Sandra’s Story

SANDRA’S STORY(Not her real name)

Being successful is the desire of all of us residing over this lovely planet. It does not matter whether the concerned person is a child, youth or the old aged, at each and every stage of our wide life span, it is our inbuilt desire to be successful and proceed forward consistently towards more massive success. The mentality of competing with each other can frequently be noticed at any of the places including schools, colleges, coaching, work fields including organizations, offices, etc. to name a few. As a comparison to our efforts towards the works to get success, we often expect much more and want success to knock our doors very soon.

This is Sandra’s Story on Her Journey To Success

 Mothers are protective. They want their children to be successful. These qualities are part of a mother’s DNA. It was not any different with Sandra Born in Mulimani village in Matunda town located in Trans-Zoia County, Sandra is from a family of three siblings where she is the second born they have been raised by their single mother and grandmother. With no job or business to support the family life became hard, they would go days without having anything to eat and even lacked decent clothes to put on. These troubles made Sandra’s mother move to the city in search for greener pastures, this landed her to one of the biggest slum areas in Nairobi Kenya, Mathare slums now has become home where she has settled together with her family and doing minor jobs just to put bread on the table to sustain the family.

Sandra attended a local school back in the village until she got to grade six when her mother came for  her together with her siblings to settle with them in Mathare ,This turning point for Sandra as she interacted with a new environment and community, though at first it was difficult for  her to make new friends because she was too shy to even utter a word and this is because her neighbors used to laugh at her because of the (luhya) accent she had and  also she couldn’t talk the sheng language other children were speaking but now she can speak better English and Swahili thanks to Yatima Outreach Organization through Patmos school where she was able to get formal education.

Sandra Meets Yatima Outreach

The year 2017 Sandra’s Mother was able to find her daughter an admission to Patmos school and she gladly joined the school at grade six this was a great eye opener to her as this enabled her to access better Education unlike her previous school where they were too congested in a class and could barely get to understand what the teacher was teaching. I must say she was a jovial student and a hard working one in that matter during her studies.

Sandra in her life time had never met people from the Western countries but by her joining Patmos she was able to meet them as Sponsors who had come to visit the  School and the children they sponsor, this made her to work even harder as she was informed that if she performs so well in school she will be able to acquire a sponsor who will see her through her education and we thank God she did that and after her K.C.P. E exam she was able to get  Sponsorship for her secondary education  at Eluuyia Girls School where  all her essential needs are catered for and school fees fully payed every year .

Sandra’s dream to become a doctor was highly inspired by the Sponsors who came to visit them at Patmos school when she saw how caring they were to them as they checked on them, ensured they were dewormed and that they got nutritious meals. She also informed us of how great it was spending time with their sponsors because they were for the first time taken to a Mall called Garden City located in Nairobi Kenya and also got a chance to visit The Nairobi National Museum, this events have now become her most enjoyable and memorable moments at Patmos School Mathare as we saw the broad smile on her face as she narrated the story to us.

The Covid Pandemic has been a great heartache to many families especially those living in the Slum area because their main sources of income have been closed down but Sandra is grateful to Yatima Outreach Organization together with all her donors who have been able to help them get food and water every Wednesday and Friday, through a feeding program that has helped the Pupils and Parents of Patmos School and the Mathare Society at Large for this was a major breakthrough for them. 

 In life we have things that keep us going and for Sandra’s case Prayer has kept her going as she said without prayer there is nothing we can do in this life and we agree to it and continue praying for her together with her family to be able to make it in this life and become a great doctor as she wishes to so that she can help her mother and grandmother who are also supporting her in her journey and we pray she comes out very successful.

 A quality education has the power to transform societies in a single generation, provide children with the protection they need from hazards of poverty, labor exploitation and disease to give them the knowledge and skills and confidence to reach their full potential, and as Yatima Outreach in Partnership with Orphan Outreach we are ready to See Sandra walk through this journey so that she too can be able to transform her society in Mathare and become one of our greatest success stories.


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