We strive to transform the lives of OVC’s, their families and their communities through development projects

Infrastructure Projects

Mike Douris Tuition and Administration Block

Transforming our school’s landscape with the construction of the new modern Mike Douris Tuition and Administration block in Mechimeru, Bungoma. The construction of the new facilities is an effort to make the school offer quality education to the children of the Mechimeru community in Bungoma. The new classrooms will allow children to be taught in a better and more child-friendly school environment with smaller classes that will enhance individual attention to children and enough desk space. This milestone embarks us on a journey to empower young minds, foster creativity, and shape a brighter future for the children and community. 

Naisoya, Narok

The establishment of a borehole project in Naisoya, Narok County is a promising endeavor that holds the potential to transform lives on a significant scale. With water being a precious resource in this region, the borehole’s construction is poised to be a game-changer, promising to bring a lifeline of clean, accessible water to thousands of people in the community. This initiative represents an investment in the well-being of communities. The borehole water will alleviate water scarcity, enhance sanitation, and facilitate agricultural activities. Through this project, countless households will experience newfound convenience, improved health, and the freedom to pursue economic opportunities that were once limited.


Patmos School, Mathare

A new ultra-modern learning facility was put in place in Mathare for Patmos Cottage School, to ensure that children learn in a conducive and friendly school environment. Teachers and learners now have access to e-learning facilities and materials. A modern playground was also put in place to ensure that children play in a safe and friendly environment.

Agriculture Projects

The agricultural projects includes poultry, green house farming, rabbit keeping, dairy and maize farming. This acts as a sustainability strategy for the school feeding program where the agricultural products are used to supplement the children’s diet. The surplus is sold to sustain the education program.

    Dairy Farming


The project started with 3 dairy cows, which included two bulls and one heifer as a sustainability strategy for the educational program at the center through milk production. . The milk is also used to enrich porridge for the children at the school while surplus is sold to act as an income generating activity for the center. 



   Crop Farming

We plant maize which is used to supplement cereals used in the school feeding program. The surplus is also sold for profit and the proceeds generated used as operational cost at the education center. Our projects in Narok and A.C.K. Madeleine center run farming activities that include maize, beans and green house farming which are used to supplement  the school feeding program.

    Poultry Farming



The poultry project has 100 improved chicken breeds which provide eggs to improve the diet for the school children at the center while the surplus is sold and the income generated used as operational cost for the educational project at the center.






The greenhouse  project was established in Mid 2021 as  sustainability strategy for A.C.K. Madeleine center. The justification for this project is that the operational cost is relatively low and the returns are high due to the accelerated natural growth off the crops.




    Rabbit Farming



This project begun in Mid 2021 as an additional income generating project to supplement the administration cost at the center. The operational cost for this project is relatively low while the returns are high. The high return realized  by selling the rabbits is the justification for establishing this project.