Covid-19 in Kenya

Following the confirmation of the first Covid-19 case in Kenya in Mid-March 2020, the government urged its citizens to adhere to WHO’s directives on handwashing, wearing masks, hygiene and physical/social distancing. The hardest hit counties at the time were Nairobi and Mombasa. By early August, 26,436 cases were already confirmed while during the same period, 12,961 Covid 19 related recoveries and 420 deaths were confirmed. Major economic activities were halted, people lost their jobs and schools were closed indefinitely. Informal settlements were hard hit since there is poor sanitation occasioned by protracted factors such as limited access to clean water, lack of adequate sewerage system among other factors while physical distancing was nearly impossible. It was challenging to implement the Covid 19 prevention measures laid down by the Government. As a covid 19 response mechanism to support vulnerable families who were hit hard by the effects of the pandemic, Yatima outreach Organization came up with Covid 19 response interventions in its areas of operation.

Yatima Outreach Covid 19 Response In Mathare

Due to poor hygiene and sanitation challenges in Mathare, Yatima Outreach supplied clean and safe water for domestic use and for handwashing purposes to respond to the covid 19 response measures. additionally, Liquid soap and handwashing facilities were pprovided in strategic locations in Mathare.

Most people lost their jobs and those coming from slums such as Mathare were worst hit by the economic situation thus could not provide for basic needs for their families. Getting three meals in a day was a challenge. Yatima responded to this need by cushioning some of these families from hunger and malnutrition related illnesses through emergency food relief supply. This was done through weekly distribution of relief food in form of maize flour, green grams and rice. With this, the families were assured of at least two meals in a day. Mathare community was very grateful for this support. An average of 1500 households received food relief supply every month.

Covid 19 Response in Naisoya, Narok

The initial plan was to initiate the program in early 2020. However, due to Covid -19 outbreak, the program delayed and only Covid -19 response interventions were carried out as a response mechanism to address the need. Yatima Outreach Covid 19 response mechanism in Narok involved provision of emergency relief food to households that were adversely affected by the Covid 19 pandemic. An avarage of 800 households were supported monthly through provision of maize, beans and rice. The Naisoya community wew very grateful for this act of kindness.

Yatima Outreach Covid 19 Response In Bungoma

 Due to the immediate need for constant hygiene caused by the pandemic 3 large water tanks were installed to store clean and safe water from the borehole for use at A.C.K Madeleine center and supply to the community due to lack of clean and safe water in the area. The pandemic in the area also posed a greater need for supply of clean and safe water to Mechimeru community. As such, the community members were supported to get free clean and safe water for domestic use to enhance improved health, hygiene and sanitation through the erected borehole. Through our clean and safe water supply for domestic use intervention, we managed to reach 6,000 mechimeru resindent. Approximately 215 families were also supported monthly to get liquid soap as Covid-19 preventing measure. We are happy to record that through these preventive meausres, no positive Covid 19 case was reported amongst our beneficiairies.