Transforming Lives in Naisoya, Narok, through clean water

On 2nd July, Yatima Outreach Organization in collaboration with Orphan Outreach launched and handed over a borehole water project to the residents of Naisoya community in Narok. The project is set to significantly improve water services for more than 18,000 residents of Naisoya.

The project will enable families and the community practice efficient irrigation thus improving food security and increase access to safe water for domestic use. The event was graced by Yatima Outreach Country director Mr. Tom Wambulwa, Orphan Outreach President Mr. Rey Diaz, Vice president of programs Katherine Cheng, ACK Arch Bishop The Most Rev. Dr. Jackson Ole Sapit, Maasai Council of Elder Chairman Keleino Ole Nchoe, the project contractor Mr. Kenneth Ngotho of PSL Water Engineers ltd, Yatima Outreach Board members, staff and Naisoya Community

The tremendous achievement realized by launching the project would not have been possible without the concerted effort of all the partners that include the Anglican Church of Kenya, Orphan Outreach and the Maasai council of elders.