
We recognize and respond to the Lord’s special interest and love for orphans by developing Christian schools for orphan and at-risk children so they develop spiritually, educationally and prepare them for adult independence. We work with churches, as well as individual Christians, to minister to orphans through long and short term mission trips, volunteering and giving opportunities. We also offer spiritual support through quarterly vocational bible study (VBS) to support children to grow holistically.

At Yatima Outreach, Vocational Bible Study serves as an exceptional avenue for introducing children to the teachings of Jesus. Our sessions aren’t just about music and lessons; they bring Jesus to life, transforming Him from a mere character in a storybook to a relatable, impactful presence. Through our VBS programs, children witness the relevance of the Bible in their lives, experiencing firsthand how God’s teachings apply directly to them. The sessions run at the end of every school term, for a period of one week across our project centers.

Psychosocial Support

To ensure that our children are able to cope with different circumstances, the social workers work closely with them through provision of ongoing group and individual counselling sessions. They also provide mentorship sessions to both sponsorship and graduate students who are our direct beneficiaries . This mentorship also extends to the parents of the children we support to ensure effective parenting and follow up on children’s progress. The support also includes regular home visits by social workers to follow up on the progress made. They also organize for appropriate interventions to address the children’s immediate needs.
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from bein polluted by the world"