Yatima Outreach Launches 2022-2025 Strategic Plan

Yatima Outreach Organization launched its 1st ever strategic plan on 1st July 2022 at the Sarova Panafric Hotel. The strategic plan seeks to provide a framework for the next 4 years with emphasis on securing the livelihoods of OVCs and their communities and the appropriate road map towards achieving the set goals.

The plan will also steer the organization towards providing better, efficient and effective programs aimed to offer clarity to the organization’s vision, mission and strategies to enable Yatima Outreach achieve its mandate and also provide the organization a sense of direction.

The Launch was attended by Yatima Outreach’s director Mr. Tom Wambulwa, Project Officer Sophy Okeyo and the organization’s board of directors. Also in attendance was Orphan Outreach President Mr. Rey Diaz and Vice president of programs Katherine Cheng.