Velma's Story

Velma is 18 years from a family of 6. She is the first born. She completed her grade 8 year 2020/21 and comes from a vulnerable background and lives with her grandparents. This is Velma’s story

Roseline's Story

Roseline is a single Mother of 2 girls aged 13 years and 9 years old and are pupils at Patmos School. She dropped out during her second year of secondary school. She later attempted adult learning but this was not forthcoming due to increased responsibilities that come with parenthood. This is Roseline’s Story

Vivian's Story

Vivian sat for her Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exams, and emerged the top student at Patmos school with 366 marks out of the possible 500. Here is her story of how her hope was restored.

Elvice's Story

Elvice possessed exceptional intelligence and an insatiable thirst for knowledge. However, his family’s limited financial means seemed to stand in the way of his aspirations for quality education. Despite the obstacles, Elvice’s determination and a fortunate turn of events opened the door to a life-changing opportunity. This is Elvice’s story

Karpa's Story

Mr. Karpa’s family is one of the beneficiary households at the Nairoshi Integrated Community Center (NICC) in Narok. The family was identified as among the most vulnerable in the Naisoya community.  Here is his story of how his hope was restored.