Yatima Outreach responds to the needs of orphaned and vulnerable children in Kenya in 2 ways:

We offer tangible hope

-By meeting the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of orphaned and vulnerable children. 

We invest in community programs

 That strengthen and preserve families in high-risk, impoverished communities. These programs provide nutritious meals, access to Christian education, quality counseling and mentoring, and urgently needed medical care among others.

Psychosocial & Spiritual Support

To ensure that our children are able to cope with different circumstances, the social workers work closely with them through provision of ongoing counselling sessions, and mentorship. The support also includes regular home visits to follow up on the progress made. They also organize for appropriate interventions to address the children’s immediate needs.


Our Education program has Sponsorship program which supports OVC’s from PP1 – Grade 8 and the graduate program which supports OVC’s from grade 9 – 12. The sponsorship program currently has approximately 500 students while the graduate program has approximately 100 students. The education program also runs a post-graduate program which supports students to further their studies after grade 12. Currently we have 3 post-graduate students pursuing different courses in higher learning institutuions


The agricultural program was initiated to act as a sustainability strategy for the Education Program. Yatima Outreach runs 3 agricultural projects to promote this vision. These projects include the dairy, poultry and farming where the proceeds are sold and money used to support the education program. The agricultural products are also used to supplement the nutritional needs of the children through the school feeding program.

Child Protection & Adoption

We prevent cases of child abuse through mentorship and ongoing counselling sessions. This enables us to enhance school retention so that students are able to focus on their studies. We provide care & protection to orphans & vulnerable children through adoption in partnership with Buckner Kenya


We support our children with direct medical services on a monthly basis. This is done through direct medical bill payment, referrals for complex medical cases and constant follow-ups, for the children to continue with their daily activities


We provide nutritional monitoring services such as nutritional assessment & deworming exercise to monitor the nutritional well- being of the children while those found with nutritional challenges are supported to get access to treatment. We also provide school feeding program to our children by offering nutritious porridge and a well balanced diet for lunch.

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”
James 1:27

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”
James 1:27